Planet ProjectsStudy and make a project.

I love to create side projects, can be for my YouTube videos, for some specific purpose or just to learn a new technology. Side projects are one of my passions, and here I will list the main ones I developed in my carrier.


YouTube ChannelCodegus

I share code and carrier knowledge according what I developed in my experience. The videos are about frontend, backend, git and more.

MiscellaneousBusca CEP

I created this project to help me find addresses quickly and to test the Brazil APIs, a new open source project which consolidates several important public data APIs from Brazil.


FIFA World CupEstou na Torcida

I share code and carrier knowledge according what I developed in my experience. The videos are about frontend, backend, git and more.

YouTube ChannelTabNews Blog

This project was born in one of the most famous videos from my channel, where I created a blog consuming the TabNews APIs.


Open SourcePrototype Playground

A place where you can learn and test JavaScript's array prototype functions.

MiscellaneousKinvo Profitability Amount

A Chromium extension to show my wallet profitability total value in BRL on Kinvo's APP.


Open SourceMy Settings

I was tired to every time when format the machine install everything again, so I created some shell files to execute everything in one line on terminal.


Open SourceAngular 2 Form Validator

Validate Angular forms should not be hard using this directive.

Open SourcejQuery RMC Slider

A library to run sliders using jQuery easily.


Open SourceAngular Dialogs

A plugin to handle dialogs easily using angular.js

Open SourcejQuery Scroll and Show

A jQuery library to show elements on the screen according the scrolling, giving a good effect when user navigates on the page.